
Ecco Domani

I sit here, listening to Delerium.
A group with similar sounds to that of Enigma
Trust me, you know who Enigma is, everyone does.
Even if you don't think you do, you do.

Why am I listening to Delerium?
Well, I like the name.
It's really that simple.
Enigma, Delerium, Fountains of Wayne
Along with various other artists
I just like the way they sound

Given the music of today is different, artists should have different names as well.
Not to say that music by Joe Smith (if there actually is an artist named Joe Smith)
Would be ordinary
I just probably wouldn't pick it up.
Or maybe I would, out of a sort of irony.
Yes, I'm sure I'm not using that word correctly, or maybe I am
I don't particularly care.
Joe Smith has got to be one of the most super-unabnormal names in the world
But the music might be phenomenal
Or maybe it wouldn't be phenomenal at all
It could be extremely ordinary
Very mainstream rock music with a solo and loud drums.
Who knows.
Whatever the case is, I bet someone would listen to it.
It might even be me.

Wait, where was I?
Oh yes, Delerium.
In my quest to expand my horizons
(Given my Zodiac sign)

Wait just one second please.
I accidently hit a series of buttons on this keyboard
Now my font is extra large
My screen is messed up
And I'm listening to the kind of music that you see
Either in movies with people exploring caves
or really, really sensual sex.
(Is there a connection there?)
Is this a surreal experience?
Or is it just unusual?

Do I want it to be surreal
or just unusual?
That, is the grand question.
We often seek...things that are out of our "norms"
Yes, we all have norms.
You can't avoid them
Hell, avoiding them might be part of your norm.
It's usually part of mine.
But why?
Why is it so important to do things that we don't "normally" do
Do we feel stifled?
Do we feel uncomfortable?

What is this strange desire to be different?
I can...no I -must- be different.
I am not like everyone else.
Everyone else is not me.
I can't be.
I won't be.
I refuse to be...normal.

...but isn't that normal itself?
This is one nasty cycle, if I do say so myself.
And I do, because I can.

A play on words, if you will.
A mockery...or "creative" spelling of the "normal" word
A frenzied excitement,
The steady decrease in the ability to give full attention or focus.

...I think we all suffer from that at some point or another.
Apparently, this is a serious medical condition.
It seems we're all in trouble.
Because we can't focus
We won't focus
We don't focus...on being normal
On being ordinary
On being...the same.

Are we wrong for it?
If we were all the same, then who would we be?
There's no individuality in that
No living
No sense of being.
No sense of right and wrong
No truth, no lies

...I can't live like that
Neither can you
So we strive to be different.
Whether it's through music
Or whatever it is that you may "excel" at.
It's really just you wanting to be different
to be heard
to be noticed
to be known
for not being the same
being unconventional

Embrace this
and find
that you are different.

Live on
and be.

Just be.



I fucking love wal*mart
Or Wal*Mart
or whatever the fuck it is
I love it
It's quite possibly the greatest store in the world
I don't care if you disagree
I mean it
I really don't give a flying rats ass
You don't talk bad about Wallyworld.
You just don't
It's a sin.

why does this man love walmart so much?
It's low prices
Every single fucking day
Low Prices.

Go to the bar and get an order of wings
that's like 8 bucks right there
Goto walmart
buy yourself 3 pounds of wings for 5.49
How is that not a deal?

Where's the dining experience, you say?
Where's the television?
Where's the beer on tap?

It's called Comcast and at least 39% of us have it.
The other people have DirecTV
(woohoo, go you, with your "999" channels which you only actually get 80 of.)
I jest.
DirecTV is nice.
But no free stuff for you.

And the beer
take your ass to the grocery store and buy a 6 pack.
(or a 12 if you're fat...or a raging beer-a-holic)

I shouldn't be complaining
These same people give restaurants their business
It's thanks to lazy america that I'm able to buy my 3 lbs of wings from WalMart
(keep in mind that I don't have a car so I have to walk with all my bags)
(which is really depressing, because I love shopping at WalMart)
(I finally find one that I can get to, but I can't always go to it)
(it's so close...so close...and yet, so far...)
I just realized I've been typing in parenthesis
and I don't know why
Seemed like a good idea at the time I suppose.

Anyway, where was I?
Oh yes
Wal*Mart is the shit.
I feel like I'm getting away with something everytime I go there.

...how do they do that?
In this economy?
it's scary man.

well, not really.

We're in a recession
And feeling depression
Still learning the lessons
that we should've known
it's a cyclic repression
an unending session
of hope and aggression
like paying a loan.

and that's all I have to say about that
for now
because I'm tired
and it's 4 in the morning
I have a job
I (don't) have kids.


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Atlanta, Georgia, United States
Let's keep this simple. I don't like vegetables.