
Gap Band

I hate people.
Plain and simple.

"But hate is such a strong word"
"Surely you can't mean that"
"Hate and Love are two sides of the same coin; passion"
"yeah I hate those motherfuckers too"

These are all legitimate responses to the above phrase.
That doesn't change a damn thing.

People are people
And they all have the same qualities.

Sure, everyone is an individuals
And there are things to be admired about individual personalities
But there are so many things to be despised.
People aren't perfect
I know I'm sure as hell not
And yes, perhaps I do treat it like an uphill struggle
But who doesn't?
Is there anyone out there that doesn't seek to be better than what they are?
I mean really deep down
I doubt it
Those people usually kill themselves at some point.
Very few people are content with themselves in their current lifestyle
Everyone always wants something else
It's a life full of wanting
sometimes needing
Things that you do not possess
(fuck you spell check.)

More often than not, if you get the things you really want, are you really fulfilled?
I doubt it.
Usually the things we want are paved with sideroads that take us away from the original goal in mind
So we change
We adapt
And we find new things to dream about
Or just keep pushing until we achieve -something-

I hear that's how it goes anyway.

Growing older
(Not growing up, I'm not entirely sure I'll ever do that.)
I wanted a lot of things
Not material, like a space chimp or a gyrating pony
...that last image was a bit disturbing.

I think at some point I wanted to have 100 kids
100 kids.
Why the fuck would anyone want that?
What was I thinking?
I'll tell you what I was thinking
I could use them like the puppies in 101 Dalmations (screw you SC)
No, not make fur coats out of them
...I don't even know how I thought that would work
Not a smart life decision
I abandoned the idea thusly.

At some point I wanted a younger sibling
...for various reasons...
(interpret that how you will.)
Then I realized I'd have to share my cookies.
Fuck that shit.
Those are -my- cookies.
And you know, I figure it wouldn't be healthy for me or my mother to have to deal with another possible me.
Call it consideration
Call it a cry for help
...I just don't like baby poo.

And as time progressed...like everyone else in the world
I wanted to be noticed
Still do, really.
(Who doesn't)
Not always to become famous or have my name written in the history book
( though I sure as hell wasn't opposed to it)
but because I figure the hire you progress in the popularity chain
the more interesting people you get to meet

You see, I used to like people
I used to like people a lot
I always wanted to know so much information about everyone else
Everyone seemed so interesting
So many cracks and crevices
So many things in the nooks and crannies
Secrets and Plots
Truths and Lies
It used to be exhilarating
(Particularly in women)
(Be offended if you want to, but women are crazy)
I spent so much of my times wondering why people behaved the way they do.
In my younger years
Every action seemed so independent

I've since learned differently.

That's not to say that people aren't still interesting
You've got some pretty crazy motherfuckers out there
And even ordinary Bob Smith's got a few tales to tell you

I've just lost my patience to deal with it.

When we were children
It was a challenge to find out about everyone
Because they simply existed
Children are natural
They don't try to stick out like the deflated balloon in the parade
Although they often do
You can notice a child from quite a distance before you even conceive of where the parents are
(I am aware that this sounds like Stalker behavior)
(And to that I say: Bite Me and go back to your cats and Matlock)

Children are interesting
Adults, less so
Everyone's out to prove who they are
Instead of letting it come out naturally.

Everyone tries so hard
Too fucking hard.
I don't know why
And I damn sure don't give a flying fuck anymore.

...and I'm tired of motherfuckers asking me about mundane shit.
If something changes and I get a new pair of pants, I'll let you know.

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Atlanta, Georgia, United States
Let's keep this simple. I don't like vegetables.