

Good Morning
Good Afternoon
Good Night.

Seemed like an appropriate start at the time.
Maybe not so much now.

I decided to delete (read: scrap) my last entry
It really didn't have a point.
That's not to say that all my future entries have points
Oh no, far from it, I hope.
I just didn't like looking at it.

People are individual perfectionists.
That may be an overstatement, but it's true to at least some extent.
Even the biggest slackers finish things to a certain degree.
For example:

Homeless people sleep on benches or on the ground or in a box
Whatever happens to be the most convenient at the time, right?
Or is it?
Is it that it's convenient or that it will provide shelter for the night?
Is it that it's convenient or that it's near other people?
Is it that it's convenient or is it far away from the local authorities?
Whatever the case may be, it's always thought out
And isn't finished until the scenario is solved.

A light example, of course.
But all I meant to do was point out that people tend not to show things they don't approve of themselves.
And people can be very rigid.
Writers, for example.
While they create works of art through words and imagery
It's not for the worlds eye until they say it is.

Why is this?
Is it pride?
Is it foolishness?
Or is that people are ultimately insecure about their existence?

I have the same problems everyone else does
I wake up every morning and complete the morning (or afternoon, in some cases) rituals
Bathing, Cleaning, Prepping, Primping, Combing, etc.
All the things that people do before they leave the house.
Donning a sort of "mask" I suppose.
Can't ever show the complete you, can you?
But in doing these actions, are you not in fact showing the complete you?
Since we spend so much time each day preparing to show things to other people
Isn't that who we are?

A woman that wears makeup isn't necessarily trying to hide anything on her face
She might just be a makeup-wearing woman
That's who she is
That's what she does.
She is a complete person.

Alas, it seems once again I have forgotten the purpose of todays entry.
It seems I have failed my ritualistic perfection check of the day.
Oh how will I live this down?

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Atlanta, Georgia, United States
Let's keep this simple. I don't like vegetables.