

I fucking love wal*mart
Or Wal*Mart
or whatever the fuck it is
I love it
It's quite possibly the greatest store in the world
I don't care if you disagree
I mean it
I really don't give a flying rats ass
You don't talk bad about Wallyworld.
You just don't
It's a sin.

why does this man love walmart so much?
It's low prices
Every single fucking day
Low Prices.

Go to the bar and get an order of wings
that's like 8 bucks right there
Goto walmart
buy yourself 3 pounds of wings for 5.49
How is that not a deal?

Where's the dining experience, you say?
Where's the television?
Where's the beer on tap?

It's called Comcast and at least 39% of us have it.
The other people have DirecTV
(woohoo, go you, with your "999" channels which you only actually get 80 of.)
I jest.
DirecTV is nice.
But no free stuff for you.

And the beer
take your ass to the grocery store and buy a 6 pack.
(or a 12 if you're fat...or a raging beer-a-holic)

I shouldn't be complaining
These same people give restaurants their business
It's thanks to lazy america that I'm able to buy my 3 lbs of wings from WalMart
(keep in mind that I don't have a car so I have to walk with all my bags)
(which is really depressing, because I love shopping at WalMart)
(I finally find one that I can get to, but I can't always go to it)
(it's so close...so close...and yet, so far...)
I just realized I've been typing in parenthesis
and I don't know why
Seemed like a good idea at the time I suppose.

Anyway, where was I?
Oh yes
Wal*Mart is the shit.
I feel like I'm getting away with something everytime I go there.

...how do they do that?
In this economy?
it's scary man.

well, not really.

We're in a recession
And feeling depression
Still learning the lessons
that we should've known
it's a cyclic repression
an unending session
of hope and aggression
like paying a loan.

and that's all I have to say about that
for now
because I'm tired
and it's 4 in the morning
I have a job
I (don't) have kids.


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Atlanta, Georgia, United States
Let's keep this simple. I don't like vegetables.