"What I'm telling you is, there's some people
who do things so bad it tears at the fabric of the world,
and then there's some people so sweet and good
that they can feel it when the world gets torn."
I like that line.
I can't tell you why
Because honestly, I don't know.
I just like the way it sounds
The way it rolls
The way it feels.
It's not necessarily powerful
Or mind-blowing
It just has a certain...pull about it.
That's an amazing concept really
For people to do things so bad
It tears at the very fabric
the essential makeup of the world itself.
And it is followed with:
"The rest of us, we've got good and evil mixed up in us,
and our own badness makes so much noise we can't hear it"
-Detective Doug Douglas
("The Lost Boys"- Orson Scott Card)
Just think about that one for a second.
There are people out there
That know when something exceptionally bad is happening
Only, they don't quite know what it is
They just channel this feeling of...badness
They can feel the frequency of evil
The pitch of indecency.
And they have reactions
People wonder about them
Are they insane?
What happened?
They used to be so nice?
Why are they so distant now?
But, we can't fathom what it's like to feel that same...shudder
That same residual pang that concentrated evil leaves.
No, you see.
The rest of us
We have too much clutter
Too much filth of our own
Too much...impurity.
It takes a massive force
A sign of pure, unfiltered, unrelenting evil for the likes of us to notice.
That's a scary thought.
Children can sense it
Because they're still innocent
...unless of course, something happens to them.
But children see the truth
They have the eyes
The ears
The sense
Of...I suppose you can call it righteousness.
...but why?
Why only the children?
Why not the adults?
Is a part of growing up embracing the world and it's faults?
In growing up
we make mistakes
we learn
we do bad things
we try to redeem ourselves
But still
We've lost the sight
The sense
The touch
...but why?
Is there no real redemption?
Are we doomed to be without divine intuition?
Are we no different than the demons that haunt the halls of abandoned homes?
I speak from more than just a spiritual sense.
I am by no means a medium of any sort
But even I get bad vibes from abandoned homes
Or bad situations.
I'm just curious
Clearly, I've done my share of things that eliminate me from the realm of divine intuition
I am not a child
Despite my best efforts to be.
But in seeking that purity
That sense of righteousness
Do we regain what we once lost
Or is it really gone forever?
Have I created a placebo effect to replace the sensations that used to crawl up and down my body?
Or was it a placebo effect all along?
I am not knowledgeable on this matter
As I stated, I am simply curious.
What is it that I'm trying to get at today?
I don't really know.
Like I said
I just really liked that line.
And it sparks a bit of curiosity in me.
...Can I sense evil like that?
I'm too caught up in my own badness
Trying to silence my demons
Trying to hide part of who I am
Because I fear
Fear what?
Pain of bringing shame to light
Pain of being...wrong
Pain of thinking I'm not worthy of living.
Yes, I make mistakes
They're probably not that different than most
But to live with them
to accept my wrongs
That's another thing entirely.
...Then again
Who is to say what's really wrong and right?
Is that the one part of me that has divine intuition?
That somewhere, deep down inside
I can tell when I'm doing something right or wrong
And perhaps there I will find my light
My peace of mind
Though I cannot become untainted
Can I still shine with impurities?
And if I think I'm so terrible
Can I ever learn to be good.
who do things so bad it tears at the fabric of the world,
and then there's some people so sweet and good
that they can feel it when the world gets torn."
I like that line.
I can't tell you why
Because honestly, I don't know.
I just like the way it sounds
The way it rolls
The way it feels.
It's not necessarily powerful
Or mind-blowing
It just has a certain...pull about it.
That's an amazing concept really
For people to do things so bad
It tears at the very fabric
the essential makeup of the world itself.
And it is followed with:
"The rest of us, we've got good and evil mixed up in us,
and our own badness makes so much noise we can't hear it"
-Detective Doug Douglas
("The Lost Boys"- Orson Scott Card)
Just think about that one for a second.
There are people out there
That know when something exceptionally bad is happening
Only, they don't quite know what it is
They just channel this feeling of...badness
They can feel the frequency of evil
The pitch of indecency.
And they have reactions
People wonder about them
Are they insane?
What happened?
They used to be so nice?
Why are they so distant now?
But, we can't fathom what it's like to feel that same...shudder
That same residual pang that concentrated evil leaves.
No, you see.
The rest of us
We have too much clutter
Too much filth of our own
Too much...impurity.
It takes a massive force
A sign of pure, unfiltered, unrelenting evil for the likes of us to notice.
That's a scary thought.
Children can sense it
Because they're still innocent
...unless of course, something happens to them.
But children see the truth
They have the eyes
The ears
The sense
Of...I suppose you can call it righteousness.
...but why?
Why only the children?
Why not the adults?
Is a part of growing up embracing the world and it's faults?
In growing up
we make mistakes
we learn
we do bad things
we try to redeem ourselves
But still
We've lost the sight
The sense
The touch
...but why?
Is there no real redemption?
Are we doomed to be without divine intuition?
Are we no different than the demons that haunt the halls of abandoned homes?
I speak from more than just a spiritual sense.
I am by no means a medium of any sort
But even I get bad vibes from abandoned homes
Or bad situations.
I'm just curious
Clearly, I've done my share of things that eliminate me from the realm of divine intuition
I am not a child
Despite my best efforts to be.
But in seeking that purity
That sense of righteousness
Do we regain what we once lost
Or is it really gone forever?
Have I created a placebo effect to replace the sensations that used to crawl up and down my body?
Or was it a placebo effect all along?
I am not knowledgeable on this matter
As I stated, I am simply curious.
What is it that I'm trying to get at today?
I don't really know.
Like I said
I just really liked that line.
And it sparks a bit of curiosity in me.
...Can I sense evil like that?
I'm too caught up in my own badness
Trying to silence my demons
Trying to hide part of who I am
Because I fear
Fear what?
Pain of bringing shame to light
Pain of being...wrong
Pain of thinking I'm not worthy of living.
Yes, I make mistakes
They're probably not that different than most
But to live with them
to accept my wrongs
That's another thing entirely.
...Then again
Who is to say what's really wrong and right?
Is that the one part of me that has divine intuition?
That somewhere, deep down inside
I can tell when I'm doing something right or wrong
And perhaps there I will find my light
My peace of mind
Though I cannot become untainted
Can I still shine with impurities?
And if I think I'm so terrible
Can I ever learn to be good.