
New Years.

It's that time again
New Years.
We say goodbye to one number ending
and hello to another.

Which always messes me up
Just when you get used to writing month/day/2008
It gets switched up.

So not only do you have to remember what day it is
Which I can also never do
You have to remember to write 2009 now.
Joy. Rapture.

Do I have a resolution?
Of course
We all do.

Promises to ourselves that we normally don't fulfill
but at least we try for a few weeks.

Don't get me wrong now, some people actually stick to it.
The idea of a new year's resolution actually means something significant to them
and to them I say Kudos.

A New Year's Resolution to me is something that I will make considerable more effort to completing.

"My New Year's Resolution is to stop smoking"
...Yea, right.

as opposed to:
"My New Year's Resolution is try to listen to more people"

Not necessarily difficult, but do able.

I think my resolution last year was to listen to different kinds of music.
Well, if it wasn't that's what I made it anyway.

What's your new year's resolution?
(I don't really care, but I'm sure you should have some idea of what you want to work towards.)

My resolution?

That's difficult.

I should write here more often...I make no promises though.
I should exercise a little bit...again, no promises
I should call my family a little more often...but probably won't.

...I know.

This year, I'll be more honest.
With myself
With my friends, associates, loved ones.

Honesty is dangerous yes
But I think I'll be able to sleep better at night if I am.

Happy New Year.

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Atlanta, Georgia, United States
Let's keep this simple. I don't like vegetables.