
Cocktail Madness...the prologue

Once again I find myself exploring booze.
What can I say, it's a pastime
...an awesome pastime.

Anyway, I got my hands on this (not-so-great-tasting)
Malt Beverage
It's called Four-Loko.

Due to the alcoholic content in this malt beverage
(12.0% abv)
(the average beer is like 5.0%)
There's been some controversy over certain places selling it
Right now it's only available at select gas stations in my area
But that's fine
After all
It's a a malt beverage (read: nigga drank)

Imagine if you took a concentrated 40oz
added some Red Bull, a shot of really generic Vodka (read: Barton's)
and a bit of fruit juice.
That right there, that's Four-Loko
At least, that's what it tastes like.
And for the record, no that's not particularly tasty.
Yes, it will get you fucked up
Yes, you'll probably get a headache.
But what were you really expecting when you paid 3 bucks
for a can of concentrated booze?

As if it weren't niggerish enough to buy a 24oz malt beverage from a gas station at midnight
(That's pretty fuckin niggerish)
(The only thing I was missing was a Black and Mild)
The only flavor they had available was...
that's right, you guessed it, Watermelon.

Well, I decided to mess around with it because it needed some serious help
and this is what I came with.

The Fuck-You-Up Punch. (working title)

8oz Four Loko (watermelon flavor)
1 shot Peach Schnapps
1/2 shot Midori
Few splashes of Sour Mix
Fill with Gingerale

It definately takes the bite off the booze
even gives it a bit more flavor.
Feel free to make this a party drink
Just put it in one of those gatorade dispensers
and don't tell anyone what's in it
It's like Hunch Punch...only not.

Oh, and I also tried Moscato
...I don't see what the big deal is about it.
I love white wine as much as the next wanna be snob
But Sparkling Desert Wine?
get the fuck outta here...

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Atlanta, Georgia, United States
Let's keep this simple. I don't like vegetables.