

I have no topic for the day.
I would apologize
But no one really cares that much.

So lets see.
Today I went the Decatur Arts Festival...in Decatur.
I don't know what to tell you
It had people...selling art.
That's about it.
Oh, and funnel cakes.
Everyone loves funnel cakes, right?
You know what sucks though?
When you can't afford a funnel cake.

Have you ever been that kid?
I have.
You know, the one who sits watching everyone else eat?
But if you ask them about it, they tend to shy away from the question?
It's not because I don't want your food
It's because I don't want to look poor.
Being poor is depressing on it's own
Having other people -know- you're poor?
Well that's just downright terrible.
Perhaps, I have too much pride
Which I'm told is the downfall of many a man
Perhaps I just don't accept charity
Why the hell would I not?
I must be strange.
Whatever the case is
If you find a kid alone with no food
Just leave something there
They'll eat it if they're hungry
But probably not while you're staring them in the face.
...it's kinda rude.
Trust me, they're more than grateful for it.

I perpetually feel indebted to people
Anytime someone does something for me
I must do something in return
I think I have a guilty conscience.
Scratch that, I know I have a damn guilty conscience
That's the only kind of conscience I've ever known.
That can be taken any way you'd like to take it.
I've spent majority of my life trying to atone for each stupid mistake I make
And it's never enough

Sometimes I wonder if God himself could absolve me of these feelings.
Then again, I wonder a lot of things about God.
But that sounds like a topic
Which I don't have
Therefore, I cannot write about it today.

So exactly what is the lesson that I've learned for the day?
Feed the poor?
Give to the needy?
Learn to spend money wisely?
I have no idea.

...what if...
I have learned anything at all?
...is that even possible?
Didn't think so.

1 comment:

Artedemorius said...

I don't deny that.

But if God is really God, he would understand how that is a joke.

Otherwise, I have been direly misinformed as to his personality.

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Atlanta, Georgia, United States
Let's keep this simple. I don't like vegetables.