

I have an ingrown hair.
It hurts.
It is painful.

It's not that I can't handle pain
We all have a certain amount of pain to deal with in life.
Whether it be disappointment or getting punched in the eye
Pain is pain
There is no escaping it
Only accepting it.

Shit is going to happen
That's just the way it is
The sooner you come to grips with that
The less likely you'll be to complain about it later.
I'm not saying you don't have a right to complain
I'm just saying that no one wants to hear it.
As if we all don't have enough problems as it is.

An ingrown hair
How inconvenient
It's unbearably painful at times
But I'm sure there's a lesson to be learned here
what that lesson is...well, that has yet to be determined.

So what do I do?
Do I pop it?
Do I let it continue to age?
Do I just wait until it naturally heals itself?
Who is to say?
Which is the right action?
I don't know
Do you?

The universe is large, weird, and unknown
Maybe this hair has a purpose in my life
maybe it has something to teach me
I doubt it, of course
but one must always keep an open mind

Open minds are the gateway to anything.
Enlightenment, Knowledge, Self-Cleansing
Open minds are the key to it all.
Including Sexuality
But of course
Another topic for another day.

So how does one deal with pain?
Through anger?
Through sadness and grief?
Through ignorance?
Through stupidity?
Who is to say?
Mayhaps it's a combination of different things
Or maybe it's just focusing on something else until the pain goes away.
In the end, it's really up to you.
Do you deal with pain, or do you try to ignore it?

...is that a wise decision?

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Atlanta, Georgia, United States
Let's keep this simple. I don't like vegetables.