

I had to write this one down
It's too good for me not to explore.

I want to talk about Auras.
Or at least what I understand them to be.
Don't get me wrong, I could be completely mislead
But I really can't think of another word for it.
Aura...just closely relates to what I'm thinking.

Let's say that your Aura is the air around you that you give off
Some people say it's colors, some people say it's a certain kind of heat
Some people say it's a certain tune that only you let out and other people hear.
It may be all of these
It may be none of these
But the fact remains that there is certain something between people that allows
someone else to sense certain things about you.
Could be smell, could be an otherworldly sense, could be anything
For the sake of today's discussion, I call it an Aura.

I bring this to the table today because of a discussion that arised
And much like some of my earlier work, the words just came flowing from my mind
And 9 out of 10 times, it ends up sounding philosophical, even if it isn't.

This...Aura that you give off, is specific to you of course
It's something only you can control
Even if you don't know you can do it.
to some extent there's small bits of it that we all understand
Like...even toddlers for example
While they can't necessarily talk, they can put off a sort of air around them
It's just the basic needs mostly, because they're new to the world
They only have need of sleep, eating, and expulsion of fecal matter.
Parents are most receptive to it
And most females
Because most females have some air of nurture about them
They have an innate ability to care for the young
Not to say that men can't do so
Just that women tend to be more receptive.
Parents, for a variety of reasons are particularly sensitive to the child
Because they are direct offspring
The child gives off an air that resonates with the original parents
The parents recognize it and interpret it as what the child needs.
It's very basic, yet...it needs no words
Because there is an Aura about the child.

As you progress through age, you learn to use the Aura for different things
If you learn to use it all, which most people do for one reason or another.
Some of the basics are forgotten, and for some time people forget how they are doing
whatever it is that they are doing.
You no longer have to give off the air of hunger or sleepiness because it's understood.
Again, particularly by parents.

Now, before I go further
Let's discuss the nature of an Aura
What's in it? What is it? What makes it? What drives it?
From what I can surmise
the closest word I can think of is...desire.
The kind of aura you push out is that of what you desire.
In some cases it's a kind of heat because you may desire someone carnally
In other cases it may be a color because of your attitude for the day
It's ever changing
I suppose it could also be similar to someone's soul
The very essence of their being

Yet, we're all human, so there's something common in all human auras
An understanding that we all share similar emotions
There's no need for an extra layer of translation between two people meeting.
Some bodies understand this more than others
Females in particular, they are very receptive to auras that people put out
Some males share the gift.

Guys face the problem of not being able to read or feel other peoples auras
So they have this innate urge to make their presence known
Thus an air of dominance, an aura of confidence.

Controlling these...auras is something different entirely
I suppose it can be done by anyone
If they learn to understand it.

I won't lie and say that I've mastered myself and my aura
because that's a lie
But I have come to believe that there are certain parts of it that I do understand
And that I can manipulate.

I bring this up because from what I hear from other people
People are attracted to me
Not sexually (well, sometimes...I am kinda cute.)
But that there's an air about me that sort of draws people
Now, I don't necessarily believe this
But I do think that I have the ability to sense and push out my own aura.

For an example
(This is a bad one)
Everytime I sit on the subway to work
I wish that no one talks to me
I twist this air with a sense that I want -certain people- to talk to me
Which gives off this weird feeling of a closed aura with open holes.
This usually draws interest from people
Not always in a good way
I do get a lot of homeless people asking me for change that way.
I'm sure there are a lot of people who feel the same way
They don't generally want people to talk them
They're just waiting for certain people to do so
So they have an Aura that's only half closed
People walking by can sense that there's something different about the person
And some people use it to their advantage
Homeless people for example seem to be exceptionally receptive to these
Mostly because the people that have these auras look like giant teddy bears with wide eyes.

Now me, I know homeless people like to ask me for change
So I try to push off the aura of "Leave me alone"
But I try too hard, so it stands out in the crowd
Which obviously draws the attention of those people trying to be receptive.

And here we have the innate problem of trying to control your own aura
You can make it different
You can change it how you want to
But it will be noticed.
By both the people you do and don't want to notice it
Because it's loud, damn it.
Haven't you ever met those people?
They walk in, and you -know- they just walked in.
That shit is loud.
But damned if they don't have that air about them.
And that's what draws people to them
Either because their interested on how to do it themselves
Or because it's just innately curious to them.

My apologies, I've be come sidetracked.
I had some more things I wanted to point out, but I'm afraid that will have to wait for another time.

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Atlanta, Georgia, United States
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