

Sometimes I don't like me
More often, I don't like being me.
Think about that for a second.

That doesn't stop anyone from living day to day now does it?
Well, it does occasionally
But there are many sayings about that.
That has nothing to do with anything.

To quote from a song by Lazlo Bane:
"I can't do this all on my own, I'm no superman"

I'd like to examine exactly what he could mean by that.
(Note: I did not say what he meant, I can not begin to decipher why he wrote that song)

Clearly, the obvious message is there,
That life is full of things that no one person alone can handle.
Such is the nature of life
We are not solitary creatures
We are meant to have mates
Friends, colleagues, whatever you want to call them
Basically...other people.
We all sort of fumble around life...together
And possibly, just possibly, we might get through it.

Obvious message.
If that wasn't obvious to you
Well then

What else could he have meant by that?
Just that line alone.

"I can't do this all on my own"

Not -all- of it no.
But a significant portion.
As much as one can take.
As much as one can take and deal with.
As much as you're willing to put up with.

"I'm no superman"

We don't have superhuman powers.
We don't have the ability to read minds or blow up shit
More importantly
We don't have the ability to bite off more than we can chew.
Well actually we do
We just can't chew it at all.
We get stuck
And then we feel stupid.

I could go in and examine the nature of what superman represents
but that's not important here.
He's a mythical creature
A force of the unnatural
Technically he might actually be able to carry the weight of the world on his shoulders.
It's possible.

But we can't.
As much as we believe we can
We can't
We can try
But ultimately, we will need help.
It's not to say that we're weak or incapable
Just that your strength is not limitless
So yes, you will need help.


Why'd I pick that specific quotation?
I don't know.
I rarely ever do.
It got stuck in my head the minute I sat down
Ergo, I must write about it.

I said before that I don't like being me
I meant it
Not because I don't like the things that I do
I happen to think I'm quite a talented individual
And intelligent
A bit too much sometimes.

I don't like being me because
well that's not important.
This is not a pity party.
This is an awakening.

I've spent the last few weeks being considerably lazy off my ass
or more appropriately on my ass
While I know I'm no superman
I know that I am a man
And being a man has responsibilities
Responsibilities mean time
And a decent amount of effort.
That's not to say that I don't want to be responsible
Because I do
Being responsible makes you feel better about life
It's not something you look forward to once you've dealt with it.

...Or maybe it is.

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Atlanta, Georgia, United States
Let's keep this simple. I don't like vegetables.