Aretai Dianoetikai


So I'm in this weird emotional headspace
or maybe lack thereof.
I have to hurry up and write this before I close the window

I've been living alone for almost 9 months now
and it's been hard
not just financially
just in general.

I mean, I've always paid the bills, so it isn't like a huge stretch
but it's different when you're working for a reason.

Now I'm just working to be working
I guess that's all I can do for now.

But, getting back to this point
In this headspace, I find it extremely difficult to talk to anyone
I mean, I don't do a great job of doing that in the first place
but it's worse here.

Like, let's say I started doing cocaine
y'know, not like, majorly, but it's clearly something different
and potentially dangerous without moderation

I have a few select friends that are cool with it
but they're on the next level.
I'm over here doing small bumps and diet lines
and they're basically on that professional tier.
I don't even know what grade or color or kind of region or any of that shit
but they can like, glance at it and know the value

Those kinds of friends.
I appreciate that they exist, but there's such a huge gap between us
that it's beyond intimidating to discuss it.
I mean, don't get me wrong, they definitely have the hook up
but I can't afford the shit they get into.

I'm not at that level.
I'm not sure I will be
I don't know if I want to be, nor how I would get there if I wanted to

My other friends/family/associates all disapprove
but like, that's all they know is how to disapprove of it
they've never tried it
have no intention to
no interest in changing their perspective
and it's hard
because they're everywhere.
Every goddamn where.

I just don't have the energy to explain to every single one of them
that anything done in moderation isn't a bad thing.
But they'll insist on doing things that are bad for them repeatedly
to the point of their own failing

but...that's just what everyone else does.
that's what everyone else is told they are supposed to do
and they do it
they don't question it
they don't want to know

If it's different, it's wrong

And I'm real fuckin different.


Bad Day

I had a bad day today

I could really use a hug.

Today I can pretty confidently say
I had a full blown meltdown
caused by sensory overload

It was rude
it was intense
it was painful
it was merciless
it kept going
and it got worse

I thought I was okay
I thought wrong.

I'm having trouble typing full sentences
I keep picking at and flicking my middle finger
It's like
i dunno
when you get a piece of fabric
caught on a split nail
you can't just yank it off
because that would hurt
but if it gets caught on anything
it hurts even more
so I just keep picking at it
trying to make it go away.'s been over 12 hours
it hasn't gone away.
I've forgotten about it once or twice when I passed out
the second I remember anything sensory (sound, smell, colors, shapes, textures) about the work day
which is pretty much impossible to forget about
It starts all over again
and I picking at my nail again
and again
and again
and again
even as I type
Let me
to recount today's events:
Woke up
made lunch
fed cat
got dressed
I didn't shower this morning
(that was probably a mistake)
Not that I smell bad, I showered last night
I just didn't think I had enough time
...yes I take multiple showers
construction life is smelly.
also, my skin is super sensitive
and I hate smelling bad
so yes, I shower.
 ...or bathe.
Shortly after starting the work day
the guys who do all the framing work
and the metal studs and stuff
started doing their thing
which is loud, but acceptable
There's something almost fascinating
about the use of a nail gun.
Unfortunately it is loud as fuck
and they use it a lot
but, it's a sound that I'm semi-accustomed to.
it's within tolerable limits with noise cancelling headphones
so that was fine.
Then there was the pipefitter (plumber) guy drilling holes in the concrete
Also loud
but generally acceptable.
They use a lot of water when cutting through the concrete
as long as the water pumper person is doing their job
it's usually okay
Again, tolerable within noise cancelling headphone limit (NCHL)
Most days I just accept the fact that I'll be deaf long before 50 and just suck it up.
Today I did not get that option.
There's another machine there
I don't know who uses it
I don't entirely know what it's for
But it grinds.
It grinds
and painfully loud
Kinda like getting a tattoo
I mean yes, eventually the endorphins kick in and you just kinda ride it out
but in the beginning it's like being pinched a lot, repeatedly.
So yea, the grinding
it just
I mean sure, not the first time I've ever heard it or had to deal with it
today it was so close.
I don't even know where it was
but it was so close I felt the vibrations
And then it happened.
At some weird juncture in the morning
all of these loud, grinding grating, tearing, ripping, percussive, and generally invasive
things, all happened at the same time
the exact same time
in some weird fucking frequency
that I couldn't drown out
And I fuckin lost it.
Full blown sensory meltdown.
It was nerves were on fire, and tingling and twisting and electrocuted
and pinched, and pulled, and stretched and compressed and hot and cold all at the same fucking time
I couldn't think
I couldn't move
I couldn't talk
I wanted to cry
I wanted to run
I wanted to be anywhere that was not there
at that time
and I tried
man did I try
but, no matter what I did
the grinding vibration found the same nerve/frequency/whatever
 again, and again, and again, and again.

It was so fucking bad 

I tried running to a different floor
nearly 11 stories up
and still I felt it
every little jagged, razoredged vibration cut into me

by first break I was all but shaking and barely able to keep my eyes open
It wasn't even a just fucking hurt
all of my right side
behind the ear down to the toes

People said things to me
I couldn't hear them
I couldn't respond
I think I nodded? or shook? I don't know.
I walked about a good 50 yards or so
from the site
and sat on a bench
...I could still feel the vibrations
but at least I could breathe outside.

I was a mess though
sitting on a bench, huddled up
rocking back and forth continually.

I didn't realize how badly I was stimming
until I saw one of my coworkers walk past me to his car 
I had been tapping my tea glass sequentially and rhythmically

He didn't say anything.
I know he saw me
but he didn't say anything.
I came up with a plan before going back in
I needed pressure
I don't have a weighted blanket
or a straight jacket
...although that would be nice..
(what? you can hug yourself...)
but I needed pressure, compression and texture
I grabbed some string and some cable ties
and tried to bind my arm.
It wasn't the neatest looking job
but it helped
I ended up restricting some blood flow to the rest of my arm
I'm sure
but it was a start
didn't work the way I had planned, but better than nothing
ended up donning on my hoodie
and binding that too
even though it was like 80 fuckin degrees
Everything was so loud.
So very loud
and I couldn't see
I didn't want to see
my brain didn't want to see
that was too much information
Way too much information
but I couldn't go home
I wanted to go home so badly
but I had school monday, so I missed a day of work
I still need the hours.
By lunch time
I had regressed in my executive motor functions
I was having trouble holding a water bottle
much less my entire lunch
I ended up using the fork more like a shovel than a fork
still sitting
still rocking
still shivering
instead of glass tapping this time
I was outright just flapping my hand was not a happy gesture
It was embarassing
I was embarrased
I couldn't make the nerve pain go away
shaking and tapping and scratching
were all just temporary means of dealing with the problem
My coworkers asked me if I was okay
I don't know what I said
I just kept flapping my hand in my hoodie
and tried to keep moving.
Some time after lunch, the drilling and the grinding finally stopped.
I don't know how long it took
At some point i had the bright idea to take a zoloft
because i thought about the main character in "The Accountant" (2016)
and it did help
I was just really late about it
I'll make a note to try that first next time
before the pain is blinding.
My arm hurts now.
All that hand flapping and flailing probably fucked my wrist up

I made it to the end of the day
It wasn't a pretty day
and I wasn't terribly productive
but I made it.

Oh, I nearly forgot the part where I was so desperate to stop dealing with 
all the nonstop sensations that I scribbled the first 50 digits of pi on any and every
nearby piece of box I could get to
(it's 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751 by the way.)

So, yeah.

They saw that
I think everyone at the job saw that

...I didn't want them to see that.
They weren't supposed to see that
No one is supposed to see that.

...I don't know what it is.
My best guess is Sensory Processing Disorder, but I'm much more inclined to 
categorize these as autistic tendencies.
To me, it just fits better.

But y'know
no one I know gets that.

As a black male
it's...not a thing you're supposed to do.
You can'
You can't be...different
You can'
unless you're what you're supposed to be.

I'm real fuckin peculiar though
can't change that shit
and I can't make this shit up
that was some real painful shit
and I don't want to repeat it
...but it'll happen again
I don't know where
I don't know when
and I won't know why until about 5 hours after it happens
but it will happen.
Y'know the thing that really sucks though?
...I really need a hug.
But, that's just too fuckin sensitive.



I am not ruthless enough to play chess.
I am not aggressive enough to master a martial art.
I'm just not.
I'm not forward.
I don't push.
I don't shove my way through
I don't scheme and plot
I don't manipulate
I just don't act in my own self interest most of the time
except for things like this writing
to explain that I don't act in my self interest.
I don't have a good answer for that.
I don't hate myself
Sometimes I think I should be more selfish
and on rare occasions, I am.
But, I highly doubt that anyone that knows me
would actually be concerned about it.
The truth is
I am this way for a reason.
I don't deserve a lot of things
I have my own reasons for believing this
but I assure you, nonetheless, they are true
solid reasons.
I am not a bad man
but I can never be a good one.
All I can be is a man that does the best that he can
with the time that he has.
Sounds better than it actually is.

I'll be glad if I can actually finish writing today
I have so many...drafts saved
streams of thoughts that I've written down
that under normal circumstances would be balled up
and thrown in the trash.

Thankfully (I suppose), I don't pay much attention to this specific account
so these writings, they stay.

In all likeliness they will never be published
they are unfinished thoughts
Memories of frustration
being lost in a world 
where I only stand the language
in bits and pieces.

Pictures usually help
but people don't take pictures
they try to paint them with words.
That just doesn't work.
You're not able to provide the detail I need
with your words.
I am sorry, but it's true.

I realize as I type that out just how true that is.
A picture of a apple on a table
is not just about the fruit.
To me, it's:
What color is the apple?
What shape is the apple?
How ripe is the apple?
Is there a stem? How long is it?
When was this taken?
What kind of resolution is this picture?
What's the color of the background?
Is that a natural background, artificial?
Was this taken at day or night?
Is that sunlight? Artificial?
What about the table? What style is that?
Where was this photo taken?
Why was this photo taken from this angle?
What am I supposed to be seeing?
The shadow it casts, must be (time of day)?

And so on
and so on
and so forth.

That's the level of detail I need
from a simple picture
of an apple on a table.

That is my life.

I digress
I forgot what I was talking about.


I don't push forward
for good reason

I can't control it.
It's not meant to for me to control
What I can control is this, here and now
my restraint, my lack
to keep my foot on the brake pedal
and ease off slowly
Because the wheels will move, the engine will go
I will seemingly and without effort
possibly destroy that which is set in front of me
for lack of stopping
because that's how I work.


Being quiet is hard
when I feel many different emotions
I can't name them
I'm not good at that
but they're there.
And they are...intense.
They push at my skin like sweat trying to force its way out
similar to when one tries to fight back tears
and I can only do this for so long

my fear eats a the lining of my stomach
almost literally at times
forcing my digestive system out of sync
giving me bouts of excessive gas

"It's all in your mind"
That is true
the mind is a powerful thing

But in reality
all I'm doing is confining it to a small area
Which is hella dangerous, I'm sure.

But the alternative
the alternative
is to take my foot off the pedal
to let it go
to let the fear run wild
And that, put quite bluntly, is not a good idea.

I am not in charge of what happens at that point
my reactions are not your reactions
my reasoning is not your reasoning
or his, or hers, or theirs.
my thoughts are not your thoughts
my actions...are.

they just...are.
and they stay that way

Until I crash,
someone that is not me
can help me,
can keep me stationary long enough
to help me push the brake pedal back down
-they- have to pull the emergency break up
because it's all i can do

It's an accident waiting to happen

I know this
I've known this for many years

It's why I'm quiet.
It's why I'm not forward
it's why I'm not aggressive

But this often leads to complication

Surely, surely I can let of the brakes...just a little right?
Surely this frustration, this sadness, this ecstacy
I can give into it, just a touch right?
I can coast, right?
It's not all bad right?

This has never proven true.
For you see
I don't know how much horsepower
this engine really has.
And if -I- don't understand it
what the fuck makes you think anyone else does?
Most people can't even describe a picture right
how the fuck are they supposed to tell me how to handle this?
Are you shitting me?
I think I'm done writing for now
I could go on
with my ranting frustration
but at the moment, that would solve nothing
my stomach still hurts.



I count ceiling tiles.
I count them once
Then I count them again
I count how many are from the right corner
I count how many are from the left
I use perimeter and area formulas
using each tile as an individual scale
Then I count them individually
I count ceiling tiles
until it's time to leave.

That's what I do.

I count change.
I have a small bucket that I keep pocket change in
Over the years I've almost filled it to the top
but sometimes
when I feel lost in life
when things get bad for me
and I can't talk
and I can't say what I'm feeling
because everything goes through my head like pictures
or videos
but mostly pictures
still frames
little details
but pictures
when I get that bad
I grab the bucket and dump all the change on the floor.
First I separate.
Quarters first, because they're the biggest
next pennies because they're very recognizable
Dimes and nickels, well they can be a pain
that part gets a little meticulous
but I do it.
Then I go through each pile
and make sure no other coins are in there
No dimes in the quarter pile
no nickels in the dime pile
They have to be in their respective corners
because I need to space them out
I break the quarters into groups of 4
cause y'know, 4 quarters is a dollar
I break them into many piles of 4
then I line them all up
(x) amount of rows consisting of 4 quarters each
It usually makes a really big rectangle
Each row is a dollar right?
...I still go back and count each quarter individually.
I have to.
But I can't write it down
I -have- to remember.
If I lose count I have to start over again.
And I do lose count sometimes
Even though I've already separated all the coins
even though I've already set the values
Technically I know how much money it is
But I don't -know-.
I don't know until it's all counted, and verified again.
And I repeat that number
I repeat the total number of coins
and the total value of the quarters.
I repeat so I can remember it.
...because now it's time for the dimes.
Except, this time i do rows of 5
(because 50 cents is a lot easier to count than 40)
Same process
again I set, again I count, and again I count individually
I have to.
If I lose count I have to start again
(but only from the dimes, because I'm absolutely sure of the quarters...right?)
(right? or should I count the quarters again...)

Quarters, Dimes, Nickels, and at long last pennies.
I count them
I count them again
I can tell you exactly how many of each I have
sometimes I can tell you how many of each year I have
Depends on how badly I need to count my coins.

Y'know the best part?
I don't count them to know how much money I have
I mean, it's cool to know that I have $56.72 in my bucket
But I don't really care about that
(I was really tempted to give the breakdown of exactly how it adds up to $56.72
but I decided against it)

I count the coins because I have to
because after I've counted them
I feel calmer
I can touch the money
it's a real thing, tangible, cold, hard
It's static, stationary, unchanging
I count coins.
I don't always know why I count coins
But I have to
because I need to.

I count a lot of things
ceiling tiles, street lamps, the dots on a shirt
I have to
It helps with anxiety.

Most people don't know I have that kind of anxiety.
I've had a lot of time to deal with it.
I've been to a lot of different schools
Lived in a lot of different houses and neighborhoods
I've held a few jobs
So people don't really know
(I don't think they really care either, why would they?
Note, I'm not saying that's a bad thing, it's a legitimate question
I don't understand why you should be concerned about my incessant need to count things)

Why did I describe that in detail?
Because that level of detail is normal for me.
I am that meticulous
I am that neurotic
I do have that kind of anxiety.
I'm also exceptionally good at keeping a blank face
(while I'm counting how many letters are on that shirt that you're wearing)
Usually because I don't really get what you're saying
Or if I do, not really sure what face I'm supposed to make in response to that
So it stays blank.

So? I'm weird. What of it?
I've been doing most of this since childhood.
I used to count the coins in my father's astray when he would come pick me up
(He didn't smoke)
I find it odd that he just let me do that.
Sometimes I wonder if he would add or subtract coins intentionally just to see if i was paying attention
(or y'know, he needed coins for tax at the drive-thru)
(same difference)

Looking back on my childhood, there are a lot of things I did that I perhaps couldn't explain back then
and can only halfway explain now

I didn't like looking at people back then
I still don't like to do it now
I mean, I'll look at you as long as you're not looking at me.
But I generally avoid looking anyone in the eye
if I have to, it's not for longer than like .2 seconds.
That's dangerous.
I don't know why, it just is.

I could go on
but I won't
I'll end this here by saying
I think I'm a little autistic
I don't want to upset anyone that has been actually diagnosed
but I would really, really love to know if I am
It would really explain a lot of things for me.



I'm afraid today's post is going to be incredibly personal.
I don't really want it to be
But I don't know what else to do.

I am at a point that I'm no longer able to see things objectively
This makes life difficult
because now I can't make decisions.

When I'm only able to see the situation through my own eyes
I am subject to tunnel vision.

This tunnel vision then becomes the scope of everything in my life.
Even tasks that should be extremely or relatively easy
become complicated.
Unnecessarily so.

This is due in large part to the crossroad that I have found myself approaching.
You see
I don't really know how to just...sit.
Or rather, I do know how to sit, I can sit still very well
I don't know how you say...not do anything.
Actually no, that's inaccurate as well
I'm extremely good at not doing anything
I am sufficient at the art of doing nothing.
I do not excel at it.
Although, at times I can be considered extremely lazy
Now is one of those times I suppose
I haven't really done anything constructive lately
And that bothers me.
It always has, and always will.

I can't relax not doing anything constructive. That's just not me.
I can't just take myself to the movies or to a spa, or some kind of "relaxing getaway"
That's just not me.
Not right now.
Don't misunderstand, there's a time and a place for everything.
I do sometimes go to the movies
Sometimes I go to the sauna and just hang out
But you see, I have to earn those privileges
But not by any set of measurable standards.

That's just how I am
I sometimes wonder if that's due to the way I was raised, or perhaps something else
Point being
I don't..."treat" myself often.
Why? Because I'm overindulgent.
I know this, it is a serious character flaw of mine.

When I first went to college, I got a refund check
Which in my head equated to free money for me to do whatever the fuck I wanted.
I wasted it.
I mean that, I seriously wasted it.
Not even on like good clothes or shoes or anything worth showing off
I quite figuratively just blew it.

Some years down the line, I realized that it was not in fact free money at all.
And I'll spend a considerable portion of my adulthood paying that money back.
It was a lesson I needed to learn
I just wish I could've learned it sooner, and with less severe consequences.

The things I took away from that experience
involved some serious introspection.
There aren't many, but in my life exist moments that I consider myself to be
for lack of better phrasing
Dumb as Fuck.
I know this is a thing that everyone deals with.
I've seen enough blogs and comics to relate
like waking up in the middle of the night and realizing that stupid thing you did 10 years ago.
Your brain never lets you really forget, it just stores it away for a later date.

I guess I brought that up because it relates to my current situation.
At the moment I'm both waiting and really not waiting on the next step in my life.
Like, I know its there, and I know it just involves me taking the next step
Yet, I feel like taking that step isn't vital just yet.
I mean, it is vital, and it's totally going to happen
But technically I have like 2 weeks before that happens.

It's these 2 weeks that are bothering me.
Am I making a mistake again?
Is this hesitancy because I am being foolish
or is this time that I'm really supposed to be trying to...relax?
I really don't know.

Recently I spoke with someone about taking personal time
when you feel burned out.
That's a real thing.
I didn't use to think so, I thought it was a serious load of shit.
I can actually say I've experienced this for myself.
I've been working in the service industry for at least a decade.
The thing is, I never liked it in the first place
I just continued to do it because it was it seemed like the next logical thing to do.
The same way that going to college is the "natural progression" after high school.

...I didn't do well in college.
Why? I had no motivation.
I didn't understand why I was going
 No one could really give me sufficient reason
other than
"You go to college, get a degree and get a good job"
...what did that actually mean?
I still kind of don't know.
But I wasted a lot of time not really thinking about it either.

I know a lot of people go through that
some of them wind up with a degree or two and no idea where to go next
It's kind of a generational problem.

Eventually I just stopped going
I don't know if it was really a conscious decision or not
but I just flat out stopped going.
My body wouldn't move
My mind wouldn't focus
My heart wasn't in it
My spirit was just dragging

so I went to work
little by little the feeling started coming back
I could move, because I had something to do
I could focus, because I was receiving something for my time
I got into it because I had to. Bills need to be paid
My spirit got involved with spirits (see what I did there?)
(Bartending became a passion of mine)

And yet
I was unfulfilled.
I've been living all these years, but I don't often feel alive.
I know I exist, but I still don't know why.

But I digress.
It's been some time since then.
I finally came to some realizations and the kinds of things I need to do to feel better.
I've found something that I can be proud of, and that I really believe will give me some
...peace of mind.

However, I am hesitant.
I am cautious
I am afraid
I am worried
I am concerned
I feel...not unprepared, not overwhelmed, but perhaps...ill at ease.

A lot of things in my life recently have caused me to question myself once again
What am I doing?
Am I...blowing it again?

I ask this because...
before, I needed...restraint.
This time

I have confined myself within myself over the years
I choose not express myself every single day.
And it's all gotten too confusing.
I no longer know which feelings are fabricated
which ones are real
which ones are there because of logic
or which ones are there because I know all of these things.

I feel a pressure
I feel things weighing me down
and weighing down on me.
And I wish
I really do
that I was making that up.
...but it's a fact.
There are things that are weighing down on me
Things that I can do nothing about
Not without a dramatic shift.

And I don't want that.
I don't want to change things so much.

But things do change, it is the nature of life.
Those changes I don't mind.
The universe doesn't force things, things happen because it's the universe.
I can understand that.

But the changes that come from me as the catalyst
Those are the ones I don't like.

Because I can't explain to anyone
what that actually means.

There's a quotation on my fridge
I didn't put it there.
Only the first sentence stays in my head
"You are not Atlas."

...Yes, yes I am.
Right now, in these moments
I am.
I don't expect to be taken seriously
But in my head, that's what it is.
Sometimes, sometimes I need that though.
Sometimes I need to know the world is hanging on my shoulder
because that motivates me.
But sometimes


it's past my bedtime.

I, for one
am angry.

To be completely fair,
I'm often angry.
There's a lot of energy in anger
and I usually need to get a lot of shit done.

It never seems that way to other people
but I'm not really known for being concerned about other people.

Except when I am.

And therein lies my problem.

I don't care, until I do
But when I do
I really care.

So much that it's annoying
And so much more annoying when it's not beneficial.

I met someone
I met someone.
I then met that one
in person
I just met them.

That meeting turned into another one
and another one after that.

That's all I got.

However, I was promised many.
So I am angry.

Now, to be completely verbatim,
the words "promise" or "swear to"
were never used
Other things were said.
Other commitments were made
Other ideas were flourished out
to become reality.

And yet
is all I got.

I am upset.

The thing is
I still don't know why.
It's not been explained to me in a way that I can comprehend
My questions remained unanswered
My mind remains in turmoil.
(Turmoil may be a bit excessive, but I'm writing here)

So I am angry.
But mostly
I am hurt.

Something about it rubs me the wrong way consistently.
And it hurts.
Like walking around all day with a pebble in my shoe.
But I just can't find it.

So it's uncomfortable
borderline painful
and all i can think about.
It's all I can focus on
But nothing I know how to fix.

All I'm left with is a lot of "why"
So many "why"s
Very few "because"s.

"Let it go"
I hear that a lot.
And, I would
if there were a way to do that without being cold.

I don't like being ice cold.
I am completely capable of it
I just don't like it.
And yet
I'm starting to feel my hand being forced.
I do not like this.
This does not please me.

I am angry.
I am hurt.
I am saddened.

So much promise
So very much.
Such a world of joy
Such a world of delight
To see this
To touch this
To be in this
And then
To be isolated from it.

I am angry
I am hurt
I am saddened
I am bitter.

My thoughts linger
like bad smells
with no open windows.
They stir
They cause unrest
They make me
like shit.

I am angry
I am hurt
I am saddened
I am bitter
I am not taking this well.

 Stress piles up
Work days get longer
People annoy me
Life gets harder
My body is tired
My mind is exhausted
My spirit
well shit
I don't even know where that is.

I am angry
I am hurt
I am saddened
I am bitter
I am not taking this well
And I'm way too fucking tired to deal with this shit.

Fuck right the fuck off.

Thank you
and goodnight.


I'd still love to hear from you.


post title

Nothing profound today
Just letting it ooze out

All this...nonsense.

I am in pain, again.
Another unfortunate accident
Not my fault
but still
I am held liable for some damages

But, my car
well, I don't know what it is right now.
But let's get to some of the real things that are bothering me.
I am:
I don't mean to complain, it's just...
And I feel
Left out?
There is nothing I can do right now
can't even provide reliable transportation.
I don't have a job
but I have to pay rent
I don't have a job
but I still have to buy food
for everybody.
I don't have a job
but I have to pay for gas
I don't have a job
but I have to spend money
on things
that we need
Even if no one else realizes that we need them.
I don't have a job
and I can't smoke
I don't have a job
and drinking is expensive
I don't have a job
and exercising is painful
because I was in an accident
during an already unfortunate time in my life.
seriously, 2 accidents within 5 months of each other.
My injuries aren't going to get better sooner now.
2 accidents
and I can't sleep right
2 accidents
and I don't have a car anymore
2 accidents
and all anyone can say is
"Why didn't you have better insurance?"
2 accidents
and all I hear is
"why don't you have health insurance?"
...I don't have a job.
I don't have money.
I don't have my complete range of motion.
You know what I have?
Piles and piles of stress.
Piles and piles of errands needing to be done
Piles and piles of shit I can't control
Piles of shit. I. Can't. Control.
Piles of tears just waiting for a weak moment.
I'm doing the best I can
It's just not good enough
for anything anymore.
What did I do that was so bad?
What have I done that was so wrong?
I'm not guiltless, no. 
But damnit I try to be a better man.
I try to be charitable if I have it
Is this because of how I've treated him?
I invited him to share christmas
i let him stay here when it's too cold outside
i try to give them time to spend with each other
what the fuck else can I do?
I'm mad
I'm just...
I thought this year would start off different
There was so much promise
but how
how is it supposed to be a better year
starting off like this?

"Dad, I've been in another accident, I don't have enough to repair my car"


"To my Attorney: hey, any word on my case, or the MRI that I was supposed to have gotten like 2 months ago? Oh, by the a remarkable amount of pain, another accident..."


"I'm sorry sir, you only have 1 treatment session left, please get in touch with your lawyer to see if you can continue treatment"

What is the nicest way I can tell someone
"Hey listen, I know that you said you are gonna do this or do that, but I don't want to hear about it
don't tell me what you're "gonna" do
just fucking do it
Don't even tell me you're doing it
Just fucking do it
and then let me see it
or tell me when you're all done
because believing that you're "gonna" do anything
is just lying to myself
and I'm tired of lying to myself."
I hate trustfall exercises.
"I know it's your intention to help
and I appreciate your intention
but words without action
make your intent invalid
and your words untrustworthy. 
Please understand
that I mean no harm
I just want
no confusion"

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Atlanta, Georgia, United States
Let's keep this simple. I don't like vegetables.