I had a bad day today
I could really use a hug.
Today I can pretty confidently say
I had a full blown meltdown
caused by sensory overload
It was rude
it was intense
it was painful
it was merciless
it kept going
and it got worse
I thought I was okay
I thought wrong.
I'm having trouble typing full sentences
I keep picking at and flicking my middle finger
It's like
i dunno
when you get a piece of fabric
caught on a split nail
you can't just yank it off
because that would hurt
but if it gets caught on anything
it hurts even more
so I just keep picking at it
trying to make it go away.
...it's been over 12 hours
it hasn't gone away.
I've forgotten about it once or twice when I passed out
the second I remember anything sensory (sound, smell, colors, shapes, textures) about the work day
which is pretty much impossible to forget about
It starts all over again
and I picking at my nail again
and again
and again
and again
even as I type
Let me
to recount today's events:
Woke up
made lunch
fed cat
got dressed
I didn't shower this morning
(that was probably a mistake)
Not that I smell bad, I showered last night
I just didn't think I had enough time
...yes I take multiple showers
construction life is smelly.
also, my skin is super sensitive
and I hate smelling bad
so yes, I shower.
...or bathe.
Shortly after starting the work day
the guys who do all the framing work
and the metal studs and stuff
started doing their thing
which is loud, but acceptable
There's something almost fascinating
about the use of a nail gun.
Unfortunately it is loud as fuck
and they use it a lot
but, it's a sound that I'm semi-accustomed to.
it's within tolerable limits with noise cancelling headphones
so that was fine.
Then there was the pipefitter (plumber) guy drilling holes in the concrete
Also loud
but generally acceptable.
They use a lot of water when cutting through the concrete
as long as the water pumper person is doing their job
it's usually okay
Again, tolerable within noise cancelling headphone limit (NCHL)
Most days I just accept the fact that I'll be deaf long before 50 and just suck it up.
Today I did not get that option.
There's another machine there
I don't know who uses it
I don't entirely know what it's for
But it grinds.
It grinds
and painfully loud
Kinda like getting a tattoo
I mean yes, eventually the endorphins kick in and you just kinda ride it out
but in the beginning it's like being pinched a lot, repeatedly.
So yea, the grinding
it just
I mean sure, not the first time I've ever heard it or had to deal with it
today it was so close.
I don't even know where it was
but it was so close I felt the vibrations
And then it happened.
At some weird juncture in the morning
all of these loud, grinding grating, tearing, ripping, percussive, and generally invasive
things, all happened at the same time
the exact same time
in some weird fucking frequency
that I couldn't drown out
And I fuckin lost it.
Full blown sensory meltdown.
It was like...my nerves were on fire, and tingling and twisting and electrocuted
and pinched, and pulled, and stretched and compressed and hot and cold all at the same fucking time
I couldn't think
I couldn't move
I couldn't talk
I wanted to cry
I wanted to run
I wanted to be anywhere that was not there
at that time
and I tried
man did I try
but, no matter what I did
the grinding vibration found the same nerve/frequency/whatever
again, and again, and again, and again.
It was so fucking bad
I tried running to a different floor
nearly 11 stories up
and still I felt it
every little jagged, razoredged vibration cut into me
by first break I was all but shaking and barely able to keep my eyes open
It wasn't even a headache..it just fucking hurt
all of my right side
behind the ear down to the toes
People said things to me
I couldn't hear them
I couldn't respond
I think I nodded? or shook? I don't know.
I walked about a good 50 yards or so
from the site
and sat on a bench
...I could still feel the vibrations
but at least I could breathe outside.
I was a mess though
sitting on a bench, huddled up
rocking back and forth continually.
I didn't realize how badly I was stimming
until I saw one of my coworkers walk past me to his car
I had been tapping my tea glass sequentially and rhythmically
He didn't say anything.
I know he saw me
but he didn't say anything.
I came up with a plan before going back in
I needed pressure
I don't have a weighted blanket
or a straight jacket
...although that would be nice..
(what? you can hug yourself...)
but I needed pressure, compression and texture
I grabbed some string and some cable ties
and tried to bind my arm.
It wasn't the neatest looking job
but it helped
I ended up restricting some blood flow to the rest of my arm
I'm sure
but it was a start
didn't work the way I had planned, but better than nothing
ended up donning on my hoodie
and binding that too
even though it was like 80 fuckin degrees
Everything was so loud.
So very loud
and I couldn't see
I didn't want to see
my brain didn't want to see
that was too much information
Way too much information
but I couldn't go home
I wanted to go home so badly
but I had school monday, so I missed a day of work
I still need the hours.
By lunch time
I had regressed in my executive motor functions
I was having trouble holding a water bottle
much less my entire lunch
I ended up using the fork more like a shovel than a fork
still sitting
still rocking
still shivering
instead of glass tapping this time
I was outright just flapping my hand
...it was not a happy gesture
It was embarassing
I was embarrased
I couldn't make the nerve pain go away
shaking and tapping and scratching
were all just temporary means of dealing with the problem
My coworkers asked me if I was okay
I don't know what I said
I just kept flapping my hand in my hoodie
and tried to keep moving.
Some time after lunch, the drilling and the grinding finally stopped.
I don't know how long it took
At some point i had the bright idea to take a zoloft
because i thought about the main character in "The Accountant" (2016)
and it did help
I was just really late about it
I'll make a note to try that first next time
before the pain is blinding.
My arm hurts now.
All that hand flapping and flailing probably fucked my wrist up
I made it to the end of the day
It wasn't a pretty day
and I wasn't terribly productive
but I made it.
Oh, I nearly forgot the part where I was so desperate to stop dealing with
all the nonstop sensations that I scribbled the first 50 digits of pi on any and every
nearby piece of box I could get to
(it's 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751 by the way.)
So, yeah.
They saw that
I think everyone at the job saw that
...I didn't want them to see that.
They weren't supposed to see that
No one is supposed to see that.
...I don't know what it is.
My best guess is Sensory Processing Disorder, but I'm much more inclined to
categorize these as autistic tendencies.
To me, it just fits better.
But y'know
no one I know gets that.
As a black male
it's...not a thing you're supposed to do.
You can't...be...off.
You can't be...different
You can't...be
unless you're what you're supposed to be.
I'm real fuckin peculiar though
can't change that shit
and I can't make this shit up
that was some real painful shit
and I don't want to repeat it
...but it'll happen again
I don't know where
I don't know when
and I won't know why until about 5 hours after it happens
but it will happen.
Y'know the thing that really sucks though?
...I really need a hug.
But, that's just too fuckin sensitive.