
New God, Old Problems.

This is taken directly from an Instant Messaging conversation
I thought it was too good to pass over
(or to type again)

[10:55:04] anthonyretro: Why did we just have an argument about Garfield?
[10:55:12] dracon332: because you're argumentative
[10:55:24] dracon332: and you can't appreciate anything that doesn't have subtext.
[10:55:44] anthonyretro: And I was trying to cut down on my arguing
[10:55:50] dracon332: Psh.
[10:55:56] dracon332: Liar
[10:56:05] dracon332: Arguing about this stuff is your favorite past time.
[10:56:14] dracon332: Well
[10:56:18] dracon332: that and masturbation
[10:56:25] dracon332: but that's usually out of boredom
[10:56:56] anthonyretro: That seems really sad
[10:57:02] dracon332: It's not
[10:57:06] dracon332: all guys think that way.
[10:57:17] dracon332: why else would we spend so much time looking at porn
[10:57:19] dracon332: we're fucking bored.
[10:57:25] dracon332: porn is entertaining
[10:57:54] anthonyretro: Porn just seems like something special that should be truly appreciated
[10:57:57] dracon332: ...
[10:57:59] anthonyretro: Not wasted on boredom
[10:58:05] dracon332: Now you're just being ridiculous
[10:58:25] dracon332: Not only do you put pussy on a pedestal, but now you're making masturbation out to be some kind of sacred ceremony?
[10:58:35] anthonyretro: You know those Burger King commercials where some guy sees two guys eating burgers
[10:58:48] anthonyretro: And the guy asks, "What did you do for that burger?"
[10:58:59] anthonyretro: And one guy says something like, "I found a star."
[10:59:09] anthonyretro: And the other guy is like, "I helped."
[10:59:21] dracon332: Yes I know those commercials.
[10:59:27] dracon332: it's for the new angus burger
[10:59:31] anthonyretro: Yeah
[10:59:43] anthonyretro: You see where I'm going with this
[10:59:44] dracon332: porn is not special.
[10:59:48] dracon332: porn is porn
[10:59:57] dracon332: there wouldn't be so damn much of it if it were so special
[11:00:12] anthonyretro: I figured it was for dedicated fans
[11:00:21] dracon332: dedicated fans have forums
[11:00:28] dracon332: porn has the internet
[11:00:33] dracon332: the whole damn thing.
[11:00:50] dracon332: Y'know
[11:00:53] dracon332: as time progresses
[11:01:02] dracon332: people use the internet like it's some sort of deity
[11:01:10] dracon332: because it's vast and you can't understand it
[11:01:13] dracon332: it's mystical
[11:01:45] dracon332: is it possible that peopel worship the internet...?
[11:01:47] dracon332: *people
[11:01:54] dracon332: is this a cult following?
[11:02:01] anthonyretro: Not sure
[11:02:09] dracon332: I mean
[11:02:11] anthonyretro: I know it's the first thing I run to in the morning
[11:02:14] dracon332: right
[11:02:21] dracon332: and you might not think of it that way immediately
[11:02:32] dracon332: but you know it
[11:02:47] dracon332: you can't fathom the depths of the internet
[11:02:53] dracon332: but you know you can't live without it
[11:02:57] dracon332: not in this day and age
[11:03:19] dracon332: If you have questions, where do you go?
[11:03:22] dracon332: the internet
[11:03:29] anthonyretro: What ends all arguments
[11:03:32] dracon332: internet
[11:03:41] anthonyretro: What's destroying traditional media?
[11:03:45] dracon332: the internet
[11:04:01] anthonyretro: What even has the porn industry worried?
[11:04:07] dracon332: that's kinda sad
[11:04:10] dracon332: but the internet
[11:04:15] dracon332: because who wants to pay for porn...
[11:04:20] dracon332: when you can get it free
[11:04:24] anthonyretro: Precisely
[11:04:37] anthonyretro: Since I have a tiny hard drive and no space left on it, yet again
[11:04:46] anthonyretro: I don't even understand downloading it
[11:05:07] anthonyretro: Too many places stream it now
[11:05:14] dracon332: it's just...
[11:05:28] dracon332: slightly frightening that it has this much power and influence
[11:05:34] dracon332: and it's not just a country
[11:05:37] dracon332: it's the whole damn world
[11:05:55] dracon332: this isn't a trend
[11:06:13] anthonyretro: My uncle once refused to get a computer because he knew that's how Satan would attack the world during the Tribulation
[11:06:25] anthonyretro: He got over that soon, though
[11:06:31] dracon332: heh
[11:06:33] dracon332: I mean
[11:06:39] dracon332: it's impossible to turn it down
[11:06:48] dracon332: while it is filled with sinful hedonism and terrible things
[11:06:59] anthonyretro: That's why it's impossible to turn down
[11:07:05] dracon332: True
[11:07:19] dracon332: and it gives the illusion of anonymity
[11:07:35] dracon332: so not only can you indulge yourself, but you can do it so no one ever knows.
[11:07:43] dracon332: secrecy
[11:07:45] dracon332: lies
[11:07:52] anthonyretro: Even more allure
[11:08:02] dracon332: It's really a frightening thing
[11:08:13] dracon332: is this going to stop me from waking up and turning on my computer every morning?
[11:08:14] dracon332: fuck no.
[11:08:25] dracon332: I'm a pawn just like the rest of us
[11:08:28] dracon332: and so are you.
[11:08:54] anthonyretro: I'm just happy I'm at least forthright of a person to start with comics as opposed to starting with porn
[11:09:11] dracon332: regardless of where you start
[11:09:19] anthonyretro: If every day started with porn, then I may have a problem
[11:09:31] dracon332: it's more than just porn though
[11:09:49] dracon332: it's the idea of one giant..."thing" if that's what you can call it
[11:09:57] dracon332: the internet is more than just a person or a place
[11:10:01] dracon332: more than a single thing
[11:10:10] dracon332: it's so many things working together
[11:10:17] dracon332: it's too large of a concept to grasp
[11:10:20] dracon332: yet
[11:10:23] dracon332: it's so controlling
[11:10:25] dracon332: so demanding
[11:10:32] anthonyretro: You can still call it a series of tubes, though
[11:10:42] dracon332: I snickered at that
[11:11:09] dracon332: What bothers me now isn't that I'm a blind follower
[11:11:27] dracon332: but that I have the same views as people devoted to their religions
[11:11:37] dracon332: they don't understand how you don't think the way they do
[11:11:44] dracon332: if someone told me "the internet is stupid"
[11:11:52] dracon332: I'd look at them like they lost their mind
[11:11:56] anthonyretro: Who would say such a thing?
[11:11:59] dracon332: exactly.
[11:12:05] dracon332: who would dare insult the internet
[11:12:17] dracon332: even though, y'know...parts of it are extremely stupid
[11:12:23] anthonyretro: I'm starting to see what you're saying
[11:12:39] anthonyretro: You're afraid the internet is become a God-like figure?
[11:12:49] dracon332: It is a God-like figure
[11:12:55] dracon332: it's already in our minds
[11:13:07] dracon332: we can't imagine turning away from it
[11:13:12] dracon332: we devote our days to it
[11:13:22] dracon332: we do in a way...worship the internet.
[11:13:36] anthonyretro: And it doesn't even have anything to do with our work personally
[11:13:46] anthonyretro: It will for me eventually
[11:13:57] anthonyretro: But it's taken every part of our personal lives
[11:14:04] dracon332: exactly.
[11:14:07] anthonyretro: And for many one earth, both personal and professional
[11:14:21] dracon332: precisely
[11:14:32] dracon332: that's a really scary thought.
[11:14:50] dracon332: and what's scarier is I just now thought of this as we discussed it
[11:14:56] dracon332: so we've been doing this for years
[11:14:59] dracon332: and not even realizing it
[11:15:59] anthonyretro: Still, why turn away from it?
[11:16:13] anthonyretro: The internet is a part of our day
[11:16:16] anthonyretro: Like wearing clothes
[11:16:22] dracon332: true
[11:16:24] anthonyretro: Like haircuts
[11:16:31] dracon332: we are not yet punished from turning from it
[11:16:36] dracon332: but what if we are
[11:16:46] dracon332: I mean
[11:16:58] dracon332: what if some day, you can only buy things online
[11:17:05] dracon332: or y'know
[11:17:09] dracon332: you can only be educated online
[11:17:14] dracon332: or something to that extent
[11:17:28] anthonyretro: There was always talk of that, but I can't ever believe it
[11:17:39] anthonyretro: You can't go grocery shopping online really
[11:17:45] dracon332: you can
[11:17:59] dracon332: you just have to trust someone elses judgement
[11:18:02] dracon332: which you do already
[11:18:07] anthonyretro: Not always
[11:18:09] dracon332: everytime you type a question in online
[11:18:20] dracon332: that's someone elses opinion you're reading
[11:18:41] anthonyretro: Yeah, but if I'm buying cantelope
[11:18:49] anthonyretro: I would still want to thump my own melon
[11:19:12] anthonyretro: Not that I buy cantaloupe
[11:19:15] anthonyretro: I hate melon
[11:19:48] dracon332: you love watermelon
[11:19:50] dracon332: ...nigger..
[11:20:25] dracon332: now
[11:20:37] dracon332: I'm not saying that we have to turn away from it
[11:21:11] dracon332: I'm just saying that we've conceded to a larger power
[11:21:42] dracon332: of course we feel comfortable with it
[11:21:51] dracon332: it's large, vast and incomprehensible
[11:22:08] dracon332: But I mean
[11:22:12] dracon332: you as a christian
[11:22:14] dracon332: should be wary
[11:22:24] dracon332: isn't that like the first commandment?
[11:22:51] anthonyretro: I am the Lord thy God, thou shalt have no other gods before me
[11:23:03] dracon332: something along those lines yese
[11:23:05] dracon332: *yes
[11:23:06] dracon332: Now
[11:23:13] dracon332: I don't want you to feel bad or anything
[11:23:22] anthonyretro: Which I might be
[11:23:48] anthonyretro: Because I certainly just typed out the first commandment by memory in an instant message window right next to a porn video
[11:24:00] dracon332: wow
[11:24:11] dracon332: I just snorted really hard
[11:24:33] anthonyretro: Yeah, I think I'm going to take a little break from porn right now
[11:25:04] dracon332: Interesting.
[11:25:20] dracon332: I feel...I don't know what the word is
[11:25:27] dracon332: inspired?
[11:25:34] dracon332: I haven't thought like this in a long time.

...but I love the internet
and so do you.

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